BRAZEN RECOMMENDS: Unjaded Jade x Notion

How I Organise My Life for the New Academic Year: Notion Tour for Productivity (+ Free Templates)

If you remember our recommendations from The Limits Issue of BRAZEN, you may already know that I'm a huge Notion fangirl. But when Jade made a video about her setup my enthusiasm was renewed a thousandfold! I've been forwarding this video like crazy to anyone and everyone since it came out, because I think we all deserve to be as organised and efficient and happy as this platform allows us to be. Prior to this I'd been using Notion mainly for work, to create to-do lists and organise the workflow for each issue of the magazine. But these days I'm using it for fun as well — I've created a pretty little daily journal template which I've been using consistently all month; I have a shared calendar with my sister where we schedule all our movie/ice cream/coffee/work dates which we would otherwise never get around to; I have a database of cool/funny/inspiring content I find on the internet to come back to whenever I need a pick-me-up; I have tons of little essays written there, which I may share in upcoming issues of BRAZEN; and I have all my plans for people to contact, ideas to implement and projects to work on neatly organised into beautiful lists and workflows that make it impossible not to get things done. Honestly, I could geek out about this for days. Once you're hooked, too, please hit me up so we can compare setups and be geeks together. #notsponsored #wishiwasthough




WORDS OF WISDOM: James Stephens