SWAY: Influence, Desire and the Stoics
Shalina May Kumar breaks down the concepts of mimetic desire; the difference between desires of nature and desires of opinion; and the Stoic approach to living a more content, satisfied life.
Cover illustration by Shanita Lyn Kumar.
BRAZEN RECOMMENDS: Don’t Delete the Kisses
BRAZEN recommends this dreamy, heartfelt synth-pop ode to young love and blossoming romance by English alternative rock band, Wolf Alice.
BRAZEN recommends The Struts’ rousing rock anthem that invites you to live boldly, wholeheartedly and unapologetically — in other words, to live brazenly.
BRAZEN recommends our editor-in-chief’s favourite song ever, by a band whose music was one of the biggest inspirations behind the very creation of this magazine.
BRAZEN RECOMMENDS: Elizabeth Gilbert on Fear, Authenticity and Big Magic
BRAZEN highly recommends this beautiful interview with Elizabeth Gilbert on fear, authenticity, creativity, play and everything in between. So inspiring!
BRAZEN RECOMMENDS: The Four Buddhist Mantras for Turning Fear into Love
BRAZEN highly recommends this article from Brain Pickings which explains the four (incredibly simple, yet deeply powerful) mantras shared by Thich Nhat Hanh which transform fear into love. The perfect remedy for these crazy times, when we need love more than ever.
BRAZEN RECOMMENDS: Unjaded Jade x Notion
BRAZEN recommends Unjaded Jade’s introduction to Notion and tour of her setup, to inspire you to get yourself a Notion account if you haven’t already! #notsponsored #wishiwasthough