BRAZEN Recommends, The CURIOSITY Issue Shanita Lyn BRAZEN Recommends, The CURIOSITY Issue Shanita Lyn

BRAZEN RECOMMENDS: Why Some of Us Don’t Have One True Calling

BRAZEN recommends this TED talk by Emilie Wapnick to anyone who’s ever struggled to figure out what their “one true calling” is, or felt guilty about not being able to choose just one area of interest to stick to and specialise in. As it turns out, this isn’t a flaw after all — it’s actually a huge advantage. Yay!

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BRAZEN Recommends, The CURIOSITY Issue Shanita Lyn BRAZEN Recommends, The CURIOSITY Issue Shanita Lyn

BRAZEN RECOMMENDS: 5 Practical Steps to Become Less Shy and More Confident

BRAZEN recommends this Unjaded Jade video which we all needed in our awkward teenager/young adult phase, when talking to other people was the most difficult thing in the world. Whether you’re currently in that phase or have already moved past it, this video provides a nice dose of light and inspiration to put yourself out there and make some new connections.

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The CURIOSITY Issue Shanita Lyn The CURIOSITY Issue Shanita Lyn


“I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” - Maya Angelou

In this article, Shanita Lyn explores how asking the right questions can lead to deeper connections and, she hopes, a better world.

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