The CURIOSITY Issue Shanita Lyn The CURIOSITY Issue Shanita Lyn


“I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” - Maya Angelou

In this article, Shanita Lyn explores how asking the right questions can lead to deeper connections and, she hopes, a better world.

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The CHANGE Issue Shanita Lyn The CHANGE Issue Shanita Lyn


As it turns out, most of the real-life superheroes we look up to — inspirational leaders, blissful spiritual masters, flamboyant billionaires, people at the top of their field — aren’t actually prodigies, geniuses, mutants or the result of cutting-edge experiments involving radioactive spiders after all. What distinguishes these mere mortals from the rest of us is instead their dedication to little consistent practices that get them to insane levels of human achievement – the small habits of super heroes.

Written by Lenny Wan.

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The LIMITS Issue Shanita Lyn The LIMITS Issue Shanita Lyn


An issue about limits wouldn't be complete without at least mentioning the one so many of us have been facing over the past few months. Here, the BRAZEN community shares their thoughts on how this period of self-isolation has affected them, and what they’ve learned from practising this unusually limited way of life.

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