BRAZEN RECOMMENDS: The Art of Seduction
BRAZEN recommends this delightful and fascinating TED talk by Dr. Seema Anand on the ancient Indian arts of seduction, and how they were seen as a method of gaining total mastery over the self.
BRAZEN RECOMMENDS: Why Some of Us Don’t Have One True Calling
BRAZEN recommends this TED talk by Emilie Wapnick to anyone who’s ever struggled to figure out what their “one true calling” is, or felt guilty about not being able to choose just one area of interest to stick to and specialise in. As it turns out, this isn’t a flaw after all — it’s actually a huge advantage. Yay!
BRAZEN highly recommends this TED talk by young Jacob Barnett, whose autism diagnosis at just two years old prompted his mother to homeschool him and allow him to pursue his interests at his own pace — which turned out to be one of the best decisions they could have made.
BRAZEN RECOMMENDS: Curiosity is the Greatest Act of Rebellion
BRAZEN recommends this highly entertaining TED talk on curiosity and human behaviour by Robin Ince, whose passion and enthusiasm for his subject makes it all the more fun to watch!
BRAZEN RECOMMENDS: The Danger of a Single Story
BRAZEN recommends this TED talk by the novelist Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, on the dangers of buying into limited perspectives and the importance of seeking out more diverse narratives.