A Brief Exercise in Clarity
Clarity. It’s one of my favourite words in the English language — clear, resonant, undeniable. It’s also a precious rare commodity in our time. When we’re surrounded by so much noise, how do we reconnect with the clarity within ourselves?
Cover image by Marissa Rodriguez via Unsplash.
Maybe fear isn’t such a bad thing after all — and maybe the key to living fully isn’t about overcoming fear, or shutting it down, but simply learning to have a good relationship with it.
Written by Shanita Lyn.
EXPERIMENT: Fear Setting
In this experiment, which is Tim Ferriss’ spin on a classic Stoic exercise, we put our fears under a microscope to figure out whether they’re really worth having — or worth taking a leap of faith to overcome.
EXPERIMENT: Asking the Right Questions
In this experiment, we explore how asking the right questions can turn any situation into an opportunity for learning and discovery.
“I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” - Maya Angelou
In this article, Shanita Lyn explores how asking the right questions can lead to deeper connections and, she hopes, a better world.
BRAZEN RECOMMENDS: 5 Lessons I’ve Learned about Racism
BRAZEN recommends this video by Ali Abdaal who, in response to the Black Lives Matter movement, takes some time to reflect on his own privilege in society, what he’s learned about racism over the years, and where he’s still making efforts to improve.
An issue about limits wouldn't be complete without at least mentioning the one so many of us have been facing over the past few months. Here, the BRAZEN community shares their thoughts on how this period of self-isolation has affected them, and what they’ve learned from practising this unusually limited way of life.