BRAZEN Recommends, The CURIOSITY Issue Shanita Lyn BRAZEN Recommends, The CURIOSITY Issue Shanita Lyn

BRAZEN RECOMMENDS: 5 Practical Steps to Become Less Shy and More Confident

BRAZEN recommends this Unjaded Jade video which we all needed in our awkward teenager/young adult phase, when talking to other people was the most difficult thing in the world. Whether you’re currently in that phase or have already moved past it, this video provides a nice dose of light and inspiration to put yourself out there and make some new connections.

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BRAZEN Recommends, The LIMITS Issue Shanita Lyn BRAZEN Recommends, The LIMITS Issue Shanita Lyn

BRAZEN RECOMMENDS: The Interview Tim Ferriss Waited 20 Years to Do

BRAZEN highly recommends listening to this conversation between Neil Gaiman and one of his biggest fans, Tim Ferriss. I’ve never heard Tim Ferriss sound as fanboy-ish as he did in this interview, but I don’t blame him—if I got the chance to interview one of the coolest writers in the world, I would squeak, too.

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